Appearing Confidence In Public, 3 Tips Of Presentation In The Style Of Influencer
Mastering skills in public can be a challenge for many people, especially to maintain the attention of the audience. Nabila Sindi, an exclusive talent Fast Fluence that is better known on social media as a Biadnut, is a young influencer who often shares inspiring tips to appear confident, including at the time of presentation.
Bia consistently shares interesting content that encourages followers to dare to work and pursue their dreams. Here are three Bia-style tips that can help you appear more confident and stunning in front of the audience.
Many people feel the need to share as much information as possible into their slides, even though too many texts can confuse the audience and lose focus. Slide is not a book, no one wants to be overwhelmed because there are a lot of text on the screen, Bia said. He suggests creating a simple slide, containing only the main points, and use presentation times to outline it in his own words.
“If there is additional information, it is better to include it in the appendix, for example graphics or data, especially for technical presentations,” he added. With a more minimalist slide, the audience will focus more on the speakers and messages they want to convey.
Reading the word slide by word can make presentations feel stiff and boring. According to Bia, it is important to convey material in a natural and streaming way.
“Try scripting and training before performing,” he said. This helps the speaker feel more ready and confident, so they can communicate more relaxed and easy to understand. With careful preparation, you will also be more flexible when explaining the material and can be more responsive to the audience.
“Presentation is also a performance, so as much as possible for the audience to get involved,” said Bia, recalling suggestions from one of its professors in the design field. Good interaction will make the audience more comfortable and connected to the material presented. Bia recommends involving the audience in a simple way, such as asking their opinion before starting a topic or inserting humor to make the atmosphere more relaxed.
You can also create short quiz sessions using applications like Kahoot, so that audiences feel actively involved. These activities not only make the atmosphere more lively, but also build stronger connections between speakers and audiences.
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